Blog Post

RecyclingWorks is developing best management practices on contracting for hauling services for trash, recycling, and organics for businesses and institutions. RecyclingWorks is coordinating a stakeholder engagement process that will inform the development of this guidance. This approach is similar to the creation of the 2015 Food Donation Guidance Document.

RecyclingWorks is hosting three stakeholder meetings across the state to learn about the experience of haulers, businesses, processors and others involved in contracting for hauling recyclable and organics materials from commercial generators.

Topics for discussion include:

  • How to ensure generators obtain clear information on quantities of trash, recycling, and organics collected and waste ban compliance status.
  • How generators can realize avoided disposal cost savings while ensuring fair compensation for haulers.
  • How building relationships can encourage the understanding of hauling capabilities.
  • How training employees and knowing where material is going can reduce contamination issues.
  • How to negotiate contracts, counteroffers, and ask about subcontracting.

Meetings in this stakeholder engagement process:

Please attend to share your experience with these or other issues related to creating, maintaining, or modifying contracts for waste hauling services.

This topic will also be on the agenda of these other fall 2016 RecyclingWorks events:

RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts is a recycling assistance program for businesses and institutions. If you need assistance with setting up a composting or recycling program, call our hotline: (888) 254-5525 or email us at