Blog Post

This blog post from Spoiler Alert, a company based in Cambridge (MA) that has an “app”Ā for connecting generators of surplus food to food recovery organizations, provides a visualizationĀ of food waste generation throughout the state and within the Boston metropolitan region. Staff at Spoiler Alert utilized publicly available food waste generation data from the state of…

Blog Post

This press release from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) highlights thirteen New England organizations that have backedĀ the Food Recovery Challenge, an initiative that encourages businesses, organizations and institutions to prevent food waste by donating or recycling food. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) is among the organizationsĀ who have become “endorsers” of…

Blog Post

Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, began a food waste diversion program at the Higgins Cafeteria in 2007, and has since expanded the program to include multiple residence halls and most recently, the Academic Commons at Goddard Library. This article provides an overview of how food waste diversion to composting has spread across Clark’s campus, helping…

Blog Post

This radio story from WCAI, Cape and Islands NPR Station, and accompanying blog post highlight Falmouth (MA) resident Mary Ryther and her business “Compost With Me”, a small-scale residential and commercial food waste collection and composting service in Cape Cod. Ryther charges a nominal fee for food waste collection, and returns finished compost back to…

Blog Post

In January 2015, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and As You Sow, a non-profit organization dedicated to environmental and corporate social responsibility, releasedĀ Waste and Opportunity 2015: Environmental Progress and Challenges in Food, Beverage, and Consumer Goods Packaging. The report is based on a survey of 47 companies in the quick service restaurants (QSR), beverages…

Blog Post

This article from Gazettenet.comĀ describes the effort of a Deerfield farmer to install an anaerobic digester at his dairy facility. He’s working with commercial bans as well as USDA Rural Development. The article notes that the three other digesters in place around the state have simplified the permit process forĀ anaerobic digestion. For more information on anaerobic…

Blog Post

This article from Cape News provides an excellent overview of a proposed anaerobic digestion facility at the Bourne landfill. The town sent an exploratory team to visit another facility operated by the same company, Harvest Power,Ā and foundĀ that the operation produced little no no odor or noise thatĀ could be a problem for the town.

Blog Post

This article from LeanPath examines four food waste trends, highlighting Massachusetts as an early adopter of food waste ban legislation. Read the article to learn more about the innovations and economic environment surrounding the food waste ban. For information on the food waste ban, visit ourĀ Food Waste pageĀ forĀ guidanceĀ from RecyclingWorks Massachusetts on the specifics of the…

Blog Post

NPR’s The Diane Rehm show concentrated on food waste in the recent edition of their “Environmental Outlook” series. Click here to hear the radio program and find interesting links and infographics on the issue of food waste. For information on the food waste ban, visit ourĀ Food Waste pageĀ forĀ guidanceĀ from RecyclingWorks Massachusetts on the specifics of the…