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The Huffington Post reports on the Food Recovery Network’s role in reducing the amount of wasted food on college campuses.

The article cites RecyclingWorks’ Food Waste Estimation Guide in calculating that an average student living on campus throws away 141 pounds of uneaten food annually. Because of the large volume of wasted food on college campuses, waste at these institutions is an important issue to address in working towards the United States Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency’s goal of cutting wasted food in half by 2030.

The article focuses on the Food Recovery Network’s (FRN), whose mission is to feed hungry people while reducing food waste on campus. FRN was started by a group of college students looking to donate the edible food that was thrown away at the University of Maryland. Today, FRN is active on 186 college campuses, including 10 in Massachusetts. In 2015, FRN student volunteers helped turn 388,840 pounds of surplus food from campuses into more than 300,000 meals.

The Food Recovery Network partnered with General Electric and Sodexo, and established a Food Recovery Certification program. Sodexo, a food service company, trains Food Recovery Network’s student volunteers in food safety and handling procedures and the Food Recovery Certification program recognizes businesses working to reduce food waste and embody FRN’s mission.


This Simple Change Could End College Food Waste And Feed The Hungry


RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts recently posted guidelines to help food service businesses safely donate to food rescue organizations. RecyclingWorks also provides assistance to businesses and institutions with recycling and food waste reduction through composting and food donation. To speak to a recycling expert, call our hotline: (888) 254-5525 or email us at