Blog Post

The U.S. EPA Food Recovery Hierarchy ranks feeding hungry people near the top of its priorities as a strategy to reduce wasted food. In Massachusetts, the amount of rescued and donated food increased by over 20% between 2014 and 2017 as individual businesses and chains partnered with food rescue organizations across the state. Milford Daily…

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The City of Boston announced the release of its first zero waste plan in June, 2019 as reported by Recycling Today. This plan recommends over two dozen short-term and long-term strategies to reduce waste in multiple sectors of the city. Bostonā€™s Zero Waste Advisory Committee included representatives from local institutions, businesses, and industry associations. The…

Blog Post

The University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth (UMass Dartmouth) was recently awarded the College/University Partner of the Year for the 2018 national WasteWise awards. WasteWise is a free program ā€“ sponsored nationally by theĀ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Ā and in Massachusetts by theĀ Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)Ā ā€“ designed to help private and public organizations work to reduce…

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Seeking new strategies to reduce food waste, many businesses in Massachusetts are leveraging advances in technology that help connect excess food to local outlets. A recent WBUR story spotlights several mobile app and software solutions helping organizations in the Boston area cut their food waste. The Boston-based restaurant chain Boloco has partnered with Food For…

Blog Post

The Northampton Chamber of Commerce recently organized a Centennial Gala event, which was hosted at the Academy of Music. The event provided entertainment and catered meals, drawing in more than 350 attendees. The Chamber connected with RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks) for assistance with diverting the event waste from the landfill. The Chamber worked closely with…

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The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) is a mosque and community center, located in Roxbury, serving over 1,500 congregants at its weekly services. Each year the mosque holds a month of programming in observation of Ramadan, which includes educational activities and a nightly community meal. The mosque connected with RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks)…

Blog Post

Businesses and institutions that host large-scale events often face the challenge of managing the excess food and single-use materials generated during these events. As reported by Harvard Law Today, the 2019 Harvard Law School Commencement recently demonstrated how to implement a robust waste diversion program for a one-day event while serving prepared lunches to more…

Blog Post

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protectionā€™s (MassDEPā€™s) 2014 commercial organics disposal ban has already had a significant impact on the stateā€™s diversion of food materials, as well as growth in the food waste marketplace. Since the ban was implemented, annual food waste diversion has increased by 180,000 tons, food donation has increased by 22%, and…

Blog Post

Green Biz recently reported on how the World Resources Institute (WRI) is taking steps to reduce office food waste in line with state, federal, and international food waste reduction goals. Below are some strategies and steps that your organization can take to address and reduce wasted food: If your office does not already have one,…

Blog Post

According to the USDA, approximately half of the average Americanā€™s food budget is allocated to meals eaten outside the home. As quick service and fast casual restaurants become ubiquitous, there is also an associated increase in the amount of waste produced. Many Boston area restaurants are taking steps through their purchasing and operations to reduce…