Blog Post

This article from the Berkshire Eagle’s Go Green Column, highlights the upcoming food waste ban beginning Wednesday, October 1st. The article provides some helpful starting tips for those organizations that generate more than one ton of organic waste each week and are subject to the ban.

Blog Post

In this article, BioCycle examined several food waste collectors from three states including Massachusetts and shared tips for efficient organics collection from the hauler’s perspective. Across the board, these haulers are experiencing an uptick in business with one Massachusetts hauler noting that their phone was “ringing off the hook,” as the October 1 start date of…

Blog Post

This article from The Guardian highlights the preparations underway by various stakeholders in Massachusetts to be ready for the upcoming commercial organics waste disposal ban, which goes into effect October 1. The article notes that that most affected businesses have already put food reduction policies into place and are ready to adapt to the ban.

Blog Post

The RecyclingWorks September Newsletter has been released; it includes a link to an article on Crosby’s marketplace, a supermarket that RecyclingWorks helped to set up a composting program. Click here to read a copy of the RecyclingWorks September Newsletter. Email if you;d like to be added to the newsletter’s mailing list.    

Blog Post

This article from describes how Crosby’s Marketplace, a Salem-based supermarket chain, has been separating 1.5 tons of food waste each week from three of its six locations, donating edible food to homeless shelters and composting the rest at local farms. The remaining three locations will begin food waste separation on October 1st, and the reduction…

Blog Post

This article  and video from Elite Daily highlights the creative ways that French Supermarket chain Intermarche has found to repurpose and market spoiled or unappealing fruits and vegetables.  Watch the video to see how discounting ‘ugly’ fruits and vegetables became popular with their shoppers and has helped to utilize food that the producers would have otherwise…

Blog Post

This article from Spare Change News provides an excellent overview of one institution’s commitment to reducing their food waste.  Boston Medical Center has joined the EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge in preparation for the upcoming Massachusetts commercial organics waste ban, beginning October 1, 2014.  John Fischer, DEP Branch Chief for Commercial Waste Reduction, explains how targeting…

Blog Post

This blogpost from the Union of Concerned Scientists highlights the Federal Government’s recently released Biogas Opportunities Roadmap. This report recognizes the technology’s potential for reduction of waste and production of renewable energy, noting that such systems could potentially power more than 3 million American homes. With our commercial organics disposal ban and biogas energy incentives, Massachusetts…

Blog Post

This article from the Boston Globe highlights UMass Lowell and Signature Breads, two recent additions to the  EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge, a program which encourages participants to reduce their food waste by 5% each year.  The article explains how the organizations have increased donation and composting, helping to feed hungry people while producing natural compost fertilizer…

Blog Post

This article from the Boston Globe gives an excellent overview of the current status of preparations for Massachusetts’ commercial organics waste ban.  The disposal requirements puts Massachusetts in the forefront of efforts to reduce food waste in the United States. The article highlights several social benefits of the new rules, and notes that the business…