Restaurants, colleges and universities, hotels, grocers, corporate and hospital cafeterias, caterers, and stadiums utilizing single-use takeout food containers and other disposables will likely find value in our new Reusable Containers BMP resource. The Implementation Guide, out in March 2025, will be your practical toolkit for getting started.
What is the BMP?
In November 2024, we published the Best Management Practices for Reusable Takeout Containers (BMP). This guide offers valuable tips and resources for Massachusetts-based food establishments interested in replacing single-use takeout containers with reusable service ware. RecyclingWorks collaborated with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Reduce and Reuse Working Group, along with other stakeholders, to develop and vet these management practices. Â
Specifically, the BMP will give you insights on necessary inspection, tracking, returning, washing, rinsing, sanitizing, and storage steps. NOTE: The BMP does not supersede guidance from local health departments. Since Food establishments are permitted and inspected locally, please confer with your local health department with questions regarding specific requirements.
BMP Benefits and Benefactors
Reuseable takeout containers can bring your business:Â Â
- Long-term financial savingsÂ
- Customer loyaltyÂ
- Branding and reputation marketing opportunitiesÂ
- Longstanding environmental benefitsÂ
Who will find the BMP helpful:Â
- RestaurantsÂ
- Colleges and universitiesÂ
- HotelsÂ
- GrocersÂ
- Corporate and hospital cafeteriasÂ
- CaterersÂ
- Stadiums currently using single-use takeout containers.Â
Resources in this guide may also be helpful for health department officials, recycling coordinators, advocacy groups focused on reusables and/or waste prevention, industry associations, service providers for reusable serviceware and/or takeout container systems, and vendors of reusable serviceware containers.Â
BMP DevelopmentÂ
The BMPs were developed in concert with stakeholders from across the State1. To begin the process, RecyclingWorks hosted three virtual stakeholder engagement meetings from 2023-2024, as well as some 1-on-1 meetings, to inform the content. Discussions explored key topics such as the use of establishment-provided versus consumer-provided containers, and balancing waste reduction with food safety and consistency with the Massachusetts Merged Food Code.Â
The MassDEP supported this effort as a strategy to meet its goal to reduce waste disposal 30% by 2030 and 90% by 2050, as set forth in the 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan (SWMP). Reducing single-use containers is addressed explicitly in the SWMP to minimize waste from food service establishments. Â
Implementation GuideÂ
Stay tuned for RecyclingWorks’ upcoming release of the Best Management Practices for Reuseable Takeout Containers Implementation Guide. The Implementation Guide is designed to help businesses navigate common issues, ensure compliance, and maximize success as you launch your reusable serviceware program.Â
If you are interested in learning more about RecyclingWorks Best Management Practices for Reusable Takeout Containers at Food Establishments in Massachusetts, please find the resource here. Additionally, if you have any questions about switching to reusable containers or would like no-cost assistance with implementing a reusables program, call RecyclingWorks at 888-254-5525 or email us atÂ