This workshop is hosted by the City of Salem and RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts.
This free workshop is open to all businesses, institutions, landlords, and property managers in Salem interested in learning more about recycling and other waste diversion strategies. Representatives from the Salem Health Department and Salem Solid Waste & Recycling Department will provide an overview of Salem Board of Health Regulation #7, municipal recycling requirements and resources. RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks) will describe the free services that are available to help your business implement or expand its recycling program.
During this event, RecyclingWorks will discuss
- The business case for recycling and waste reduction activities.
- An overview of MassDEP waste bans.
- Guidance for businesses contracting for trash, recycling, and food waste hauling services.
- Best practices for implementing or expanding your recycling program, including signage, training, and employee engagement.
- Successful examples of recycling programs at other businesses and institutions.
- Additional opportunities for waste reduction and diversion beyond recycling, food donation, separating food scraps for composting, and office furniture reuse.
- The free technical assistance available to Salem businesses and institutions through the RecyclingWorks program.
Attendees will have the opportunity to network with representatives from other local businesses and recycling service providers.
Light refreshments will be served.
To register, or for questions about this event, please contact the City of Salem Board of Health by phone at 978-741-1800 or by email to