A blog post by the Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic details recent changes the tax code around food donations. Changes to the tax code allow for businesses other than C-Corporations to receive an enhanced tax deduction when making qualifying food donations, and make the deductions a permanent part of the tax code. The changes also increase the total amount of tax deduction an organization can receive to 15% of the donor’s net income, up from 10%. The changes also clarify how the value of donated food is calculated for tax deduction purposes. These changes increase the incentive for business to donate edible food to organizations that can distribute it to those that need it the most.
RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts recently posted guidelines to help businesses and institutions that serve food to safely donate surplus food to rescue organizations. RecyclingWorks also provides assistance to businesses and institutions with recycling and food waste reduction through composting and food donation. To speak to a recycling expert, call our hotline: (888) 254-5525 or email us at info@recyclingworksma.com.