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City of Boston Mayor Martin Walsh recently released a Request for Proposals to develop a Zero Waste Plan for the City of Boston. In doing so, Mayor Walsh emphasized that reducing waste would result in positive economic, environmental, and public health impacts for citizens.

The zero waste plan, following the model of other cities such as Austin, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, would recommend a strategy with specific timelines for eliminating waste and litter. The process will be administered by a Zero Waste Advisory Committee of city officials.

Bostonā€™s 2014 Updated Climate Action Plan outlines goals for moving towards Zero Waste. These include increasing diversion of recyclables and organic waste from large buildings and commercial institutions.

RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts assists businesses and institutions with recycling and food waste reduction through composting and food donation. To speak to a recycling expert, call our hotline:Ā (888) 254-5525Ā or email us atĀ