If you are a business or institution interested in donating or distributing excess food, you can rest easy knowing that there are well-protected laws designed to protect you from liability when donating food.
Marty’s Local in MA is committed to sustainability, reducing waste, supporting local agriculture, and partnering with RecyclingWorks to enhance waste diversion.
RecyclingWorks MA will present at the SWAC meeting on Nov 7, 2024, covering topics like their annual report, The Green Team, and best practices for reusable takeout containers.
Located on Pine Street in the heart of Florence, Bombyx Center for Arts and Equity is a vibrant hub that enriches the community and carries on the building’s legacy of activism through their performance venue. Also known as the Florence Congregational Church, the historic building operates two houses of worship, a performance art space, a…
Reducing waste at work offers many environmental, financial, and social benefits. Recognizing the opportunity for improvement is the first step in the process, but many may wonder, what comes next? RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks) experts have compiled their top five tips to help businesses and institutions reduce waste, increase recycling, and implement new programs. Review…
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is paving the way for a sustainable future with its ambitious Climate Action Plan for the Decade aiming to decarbonize campus operations by 2050. The heart of MIT’s sustainability mission lies in its quantitative impact goals that will touch every aspect of MIT life, from energy consumption to sustainable food…
A new video from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) addresses common misconceptions about food donation and highlights the expanded federal liability protections for businesses that donate food. Produced in partnership with Top Chef Tom Colicchio, the video illustrates how businesses can donate surplus food safely, preventing unnecessary waste. Common scenarios shown in the video…
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released new reports that quantify the environmental impacts of wasted food. In response to these findings, the EPA introduced the Wasted Food Scale (pictured below), an iteration of the EPA Food Recovery Hierarchy. The Wasted Food Scale is designed to empower individuals, businesses, institutions, and more with the…
“Our customers hold us to a high standard, so we want to hold ourselves to an even higher standard” – Jaclyn Graham, Chief Communications Officer for Nashoba Brook Bakery. On November 10, RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks) hosted the Fall 2021 WasteWise Forum Webinar in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the…
The Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant (RBDG) program is intended to help Massachusetts recycling processors and manufacturers create sustainable markets for eligible materials, and to add value to municipal and business recycling efforts. Selected applicants will receive grant awards of between $50,000 and $400,000. Targeted materials for the 2021 RBDG are: Container glass: developing…