Blog Post

This article from Cape News provides an excellent overview of a proposed anaerobic digestion facility at the Bourne landfill. The town sent an exploratory team to visit another facility operated by the same company, Harvest Power, and found that the operation produced little no no odor or noise that could be a problem for the town.

Blog Post

This article from the Patriot Ledger details the responses of several grocery chains to the Massachusetts Food Waste Ban. Stop and Shop, for example, is planning a product recovery center which will generate enough gas to power the chain’s regional distribution warehouse. The value of the ban legislation is underlined by the lack of opposition…

Blog Post

This article  and video from Elite Daily highlights the creative ways that French Supermarket chain Intermarche has found to repurpose and market spoiled or unappealing fruits and vegetables.  Watch the video to see how discounting ‘ugly’ fruits and vegetables became popular with their shoppers and has helped to utilize food that the producers would have otherwise…

Blog Post

The Boston Public library recently posted several items of furniture for free on the Reuse Marketplace, a regional network to exchange reusable and surplus items. These items are being offered only to governmental entities and nonprofits. Check out these FREE items of furniture: AV Stands Atlas Stands Metal Folding Chairs

Blog Post

This article from The Fall River Herald News highlights the Green Move Out program at UMass Dartmouth, run by a group of students.  During this year’s move-out the group collected 4,300 pounds of items to donate to charity, diverting that material from the waste stream.  This represents a 3,100 pound increase from last year’s results.  UMass…

Blog Post

This article from High Rise Facilities notes that diverting food waste can help to reduce a hotel’s disposal costs. Please don’t be too alarmed by the title of the post; the Commercial Organics Waste Ban applies to businesses and institutions which produce one ton or more of organic waste each week.  Visit our food waste…

Blog Post

This article from Masslive describes how various businesses in Massachusetts are preparing for the upcoming Commercial Food Waste Disposal Ban beginning October 1, 2014.  The article interviews representatives from Big Y, Martin’s Farm, Hope and Olive, and the Center for Ecotechnology. Interested in learning more about the commercial organics waste ban and best management practices for…

Blog Post

This article from Masslive highlights the work being done by Martin’s Farm, a family-owned Greenfield farm which has been taking in compost for 20 years, helping Franklin County to lead the way in commercial composting.  The article gives an especially incisive look at the steps involved in commercial composting, from intake of waste through processing…

Blog Post

This article from highlights the great work being done by Lovin’ Spoonfuls, a Boston-based food-rescue organization.  Grocery stores often have a hard time selling bruised or blemished produce; instead of that unsold food going out with the trash, Lovin’ Spoonfuls collects and distributes it to soup kitchens and other organizations that feed the hungry.…

Blog Post

Making Move-Out a Sustainability Success Story College and University Recycling Coalition (CURC) Webinar, Thursday, February 13, 2014, 1:00-2:30 PM EST Click here to register! For the 2,100 colleges and universities with on-campus housing serving nearly 3 million student residents, move-out will generate a tsunami of reusable clothing, electronics and other household goods.  Find out how…