As restaurants, bars, hotels, and other businesses have closed or adjusted their operations due to COVID-19, breweries have been faced with excess inventory that cannot be sold. The Massachusetts Brewers Guild recently shared how breweries can partner with organics processors, such as Vanguard Renewables’ farm-based digesters, to divert the liquid from disposal, turning it into a renewable energy-generating resource.
Wastewater treatment plants are often the end site for breweries’ stale or out of code beer; however, some facilities have expressed challenges with capacity due to the recent increase in volume. Standalone anaerobic digestion facilities offer an alternative opportunity for the beer, which is combined with other organic waste to generate electricity and fertilizer byproduct. Breweries can connect with hauling companies for removal and transportation, or work directly with anaerobic digestion facilities.
RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks) can help your business identify opportunities to reduce and recover food waste. Our Find-a-Recycler Tool allows users to directly search for haulers and processors of recycling and organic material based on their location. RecyclingWorks also offers no-cost technical assistance, which we can deliver remotely. If your business needs help diverting any materials from disposal, call our hotline: (888) 254-5525 or email us at