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The Recorder reports on one of the first Massachusetts permitted, on-farm composting operation, Martin’s Compost Farm. Robert Martin’s farm was permitted by Mass DEP in 1987.

In 2014, Adam Martin, son of Robert, was motivated to take over the farm because of the positive environmental and community benefits of composting. Today, Martin’s Compost Farm is the biggest compost farm in the Pioneer Valley.

This farm helps to remove up to 15 tons of organic waste from the waste stream a week, material that otherwise would have ended up in a landfill. Martin uses windrows on the farm to create organic compost, which is tested three times a year by the University of Massachusetts to ensure quality standards.

The Massachusetts Commercial Organics Waste Ban prevents businesses and institutions from disposing of one ton or more of food waste per week. Many smaller entities, which are not subject to the ban, voluntarily send their organic waste to compost sites. This includes a group of small restaurants in Shelburne Falls as well as the nearby Bridge of Flowers, which collect their food and yard waste together for processing Martin’s Farm. These restaurants and the Bridge of Flowers are helping to convert food and yard waste into beneficial compost material.

The Recorder Between the Rows  Martin’s compost farm

RecyclingWorks provides free assistance to businesses and institutions to develop or improve recycling, reuse, and composting programs. Compost facilities that manage food waste may be eligible for no-cost compost site Technical Assistance. To learn more, call our hotline: (888) 254-5525 or email us at