
Used & scrap clothing, fiber, piece goods, textile waste, and used shoes processing and de-manufacturing. End of life, garments and garment recycling.


BoxQ is your trusted source for reliable, safe, and secure electronics recycling & data destruction in the Greater Boston area. Since 1999, BoxQ has been the trusted choice for both businesses and consumers when it comes to recycling outdated or non-performing electronics. In addition, BoxQ has been a long time specialist in the secure destruction…


Parallel’s New Bedford Facility provides collection, auditing, and processing services to regional bottling companies and Bottle Bill redemption centers. We collect, receive, and recycle over 1.2 billion aluminum, plastic, and glass containers each year. Commodity materials recovered from this operation are recycled and repurposed for the production of items such as new beverage containers, fiberglass, fiber, carpet,…


We Transport,  Sort,  Process, and Compost over 1000 tons a month. We partner with digesters and composters around the state to fit your needs. We work with companies both large and small. Zero landfill is our goal.      


Integrated Industrial Services For over fifty years this family owned and operated business has built a solid reputation for quality service, fair pricing, and personalized customer service. Headquartered on a seven-acre site in the Readville section of Boston, we’ve been providing personal, efficient, and convenient service for a wide range of customers. Services Residential and…


Rockwood Ag-Grid LLC (RAG) is a partnership between Ag-Grid Energy LLC (AGE) of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania and Rockwood Farms of Granville, Massachusetts. We are setting up an anaerobic digester (AD) to recycle farm and food waste and to generate 450 kW of clean and renewable energy. Recycle 15 tons of manure generated per day by…


MA. DEP APPROVED RECYCLE CENTER:    Accepting: Concrete, asphalt, fill, rock, ledge, topsoil, clean fill   Producing: State specified manufactured gravel, structural fill,                       coarse drainage material, screened loam     * PORTABLE CRUSHING AND SCREENING: 28 x 42 Nordberg LT105 Track Jaw Crusher Closed-Circuit Eagle 1200 Impact…


Ruma’s Pallet World LLC operates a 30,000 square ft. facility in Chelsea, MA. Hours of operation are 7 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday – Friday and Saturday from 8 AM to 11 AM. We supply new, refurbished pallets and removal services to many of the leading warehouses and businesses in New England and the Tri-State…


Data Recycling NE, Inc. is an electronics recycling company that is in the business of hard drive destruction for businesses and consumers, and electronic recycling of all types of e-waste including CRT’s (computer monitors and televisions), desktop computer, laptops, computer parts and accessories, and other consumer electronics. At the same time, we are also a…

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