Blue Earth Compost

3580 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06120
Service Area: Hampden and Hampshire County

Accepted Items

  • Drop Off Accepted: Yes
  • Drop Off Hours: 8AM-4PM
  • Details

    Blue Earth Compost is a leading hauler of source separated organics and packaged waste for composting in Connecticut and southwestern Massachusetts. Their mission is to expand the availability of composting options for businesses and institutions large and small in order to divert as much food waste away from landfills and incinerators. Since 2013, Blue Earth Compost has helped compost millions of pounds of food to improve our air, water, and soil.

    The Center for EcoTechnology (CET) and MassDEP host this list to help businesses find recycling service providers. Listings are self-reported and do not imply a recommendation or endorsement by CET or MassDEP.
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