This webinar is hosted by the EPA Sustainable Materials Management Web Academy.
From Pen & Paper to Artificial Technology — 21st Century Methods for Measuring Excess Food
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In food loss prevention and recovery, the first ingredient is to measure our excess food, whether in a restaurant kitchen, cafeteria or at home. In today’s webinar you’ll discover the value and benefits of calculating your organization’s excess, surplus and leftover food & beverage. You will also learn methods of excess food measurement, such as counting leftovers with a reliable pen and paper, using an excel-based spreadsheet to generate your food loss data, or harnessing 21st century artificial technology to automate quantifiable measurement results. This webinar supports the national Winning on Reducing Food Waste Federal Interagency Strategy, Priority Area 3: Improve Coordination and Guidance on Food Loss and Waste Measurement.
- Max Mlinar, Phood Solutions Inc.
- Jay Kahn, Central Michigan University
- Doug Bradley, SAVOR…Chicago
- Gina Sears, Winnow
- Laura Smith, Boulder Valley School District (BVSD)
- André Villaseñor, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency