The next meeting of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s (MassDEP’s) Reduce & Reuse (R&R) Working Group is scheduled for 10:00 am – 12:00 pm on Wednesday October 28, 2020. The meeting will focus on single-use plastic and takeout packaging. Register now!
Presentations on single-use packaging solutions at the regional and national levels:
- Sarah Nichols of the Natural Resources Council of Maine
- Miriam Gordon of UPSTREAM Solutions
Followed by breakout group discussions on barriers to and opportunities for reducing single use packaging:
- At the community level,
- By businesses and institutions, and
- In local school systems
The R&R Working Group was established to assist in the development of a MassDEP Strategic Reduce and Reuse Action Plan as outlined in the 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan. The working group is open to anyone interested in providing input on source reduction, reuse, and repair strategy in Massachusetts, and keeping informed of new policy and program developments.