Blog Post

As reported by Cape Cod Times, the Massachusetts Oyster Project successfully collected 25,000 pounds of shells from Wellfleet restaurants. These shells will be scattered along the Wellfleet harbor to restore oyster habitat instead of going for disposal. Eight local Wellfleet restaurants signed up for the pilot program and successfully sorted the shells into designated containers…

Blog Post

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has published the final 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan and announced the following amendments to the waste ban regulations, which will be effective on November 1, 2022: Mattresses will be banned from disposal.  Textiles will be banned from disposal.  The Commercial Organics Disposal Ban will apply to businesses…

Blog Post

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mount Holyoke College effectively adjusted their operations and used data tracking tools to prevent food waste. Between August 2020 and January 2021, the institution cut the food waste generated on campus by 49% by weight. As described by Leanpath, the private liberal arts college in western Massachusetts adapted to a number…

Blog Post

According to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, there are more than 400 supermarkets in Massachusetts that are likely subject to the Commercial Organics Waste Ban. There are plenty of cost-effective ways that supermarkets and other food businesses can comply with the ban by reducing or diverting food waste. In a recently published article, Waste…

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Tatte Bakery & Café has partnered with the nonprofit food rescue organization Rescuing Leftover Cuisine to redirect edible surplus food for donation, according to WickedLocal. The employee-led program launched in June 2020, and currently takes place at ten of the chain’s eighteen locations. With pick-ups on Mondays and Thursdays, the business has recovered about 180…

Blog Post

On November 10, RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks) hosted the Fall 2020 WasteWise Forum Webinar in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This year’s fall forum focused on strategies for businesses and institutions that help maximize food waste diversion, with presentations from the Massachusetts College of…

Blog Post

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) recently released proposed amendments to the solid waste disposal bans (310 CMR 19.000). These changes would add mattresses and textiles as materials that are banned from disposal in Massachusetts, and lower the threshold for the commercial organics ban so that it would apply to businesses generating one-half ton…

Blog Post

The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), in collaboration with the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), recently launched the MassGrown Exchange, a new online platform that facilitates business-to-business connections within the local food system. This platform is a tool for businesses looking to sell, donate, or purchase Massachusetts crops, seafood, products and services: Buyers (including…

Blog Post

Has your business ever lost food inventory as result of an emergency or other unplanned event? Once an emergency happens, it is likely too late to create a plan that prevents wasted food from being disposed of as trash. With a plan in place in advance, you can reduce the amount of food that is…

Blog Post

As restaurants and other food-service operations adapt to a new normal, the associated changes in procurement practices, customer base, and hours of operation can lead to increased levels of food waste. RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks) recently spoke with PAGU, a restaurant in Cambridge, to learn more about how they reduce food waste throughout their operations…