Blog Post

Good Filling, a Boston-based company that sells refillable home-care and personal-care products, was recently awarded a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grant. These grants can be up to $5,000 and are awarded to for-profit and non-profit organizations, as well as eligible municipalities, for short-term waste reduction projects. Good Filling will be using their grant to expand their refilling service to more Boston residents.

As reported by, many consumers are already taking advantage of Good Filling’s new, easy way to reduce plastic waste. Customers can order more products online and bring their empty container to a trading post to drop off when picking up a new full bottle.

In addition to residents utilizing this model, multifamily properties, hotels, and offices can host these trading posts to help their residents, employees, or customers reduce waste. Good Filling currently partners with 12 apartment buildings in Boston to offer on-site bottle exchanges. Property managers, their tenants, waste haulers, and solid waste facilities are all responsible for complying with state waste ban requirements. Refill systems such as Good Filling’s model help prevent waste and can reduce disposal costs for multifamily properties. RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts supports property managers with staying in compliance by addressing other materials covered in the MassDEP waste bans. Check out our Property Managers Tip Sheet or contact us at or 888-254-5525 for customized assistance for your business.