Blog Post

Check out our new restaurant case study!  Learn about the steps taken by the Clio Restaurant in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood to divert as much as 25 tons of food waste annually.  Find the PDF here (link), or visit our page for restaurant business sector guidance.

Blog Post

Here’s an interesting article from the April 27th edition of the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, which highlights the efforts of some Worcester area colleges and universities to divert food waste.  More than just french fries!  Worcester State and Assumption are mentioned, both of whom received guidance from RecyclingWorks! Follow this link for the full article!

Blog Post

We’ve added a new case study to our business sector guidance page for hospitals.  The case study is a ten year follow up for Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jamaica Plain, MA, and outlines the steps they took to realize a $32,000 savings in waste disposal costs!   Read the full text here(link).

Blog Post

The Center for EcoTechnology celebrated Earth Day on Monday with the launch of their new solar panel installation at EcoBuilding Bargains!  Check out an article about the event from (Link).

Blog Post

Take a look at the RecyclingWorks Newsletter for April!  Content includes three new case studies, news on waste diversion programs at Assumption College in Worcester, MA, and upcoming events.  Find the current edition here (link). To receive the monthly newsletter in your inbox, fill out the form below! Sign Up Today! * required Email Address:…

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The EcoRI News published this article about the upcoming Massachusetts commercial food waste ban, and the sytems developed by the Blue Man Group and the Charles Playhouse to divert over 42 tons of recyclables and food scraps from their waste stream. Also check out our Blue Man Group Case Study!

Blog Post

Stop and Shop is again in the news, this time for their goal to decrease their carbon footprint by 20% by 2015. “Stop & Shop is committed to responsible retailing, knowing that what’s good for society is good for business too,” says Joe Kelley, president, Stop & Shop New England, in a statement. “We continuously…

Blog Post

Here’s an interesting piece from Plastics News about Hannaford and Stop and Shop Supermarkets, and their respective programs to carry out back-end rigid plastics recycling!  These programs are pilots for the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers, with the goal of capturing more that 350 million pounds of rigid plastics generated by supermarkets in the United States.

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CET is an equal opportunity employer. To learn more about the jobs that are available, please click on the titles below. EcoFellowship positions available Business Systems Manager – Northampton MassDEP Green Business Specialist – Boston EcoFellowship positions 2013-2014 The Center for EcoTechnology is seeking qualified college graduate candidates for a one-year paid fellowship position to work with…

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Check out the following press release from the US EPA.  Amongst the honorees is Clark University, which has received significant support from RecyclingWorks over the past year! News Release U.S. Environmental Protection Agency New England Regional Office April 1, 2013 Contact: David Deegan, (617) 918-1017 Seven New England Colleges and Universities Honored for Food Waste…