Thursday, December 5th, 2013 – Composting Strategies for Colleges and Universities
Webinar, Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
In this Webinar, the EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge (FRC) will be explained and success stories from partners will be shared.
Whether your school has been composting for years or is just beginning to contemplate a composting program, the information presented today will be useful to you. The webinar will feature three presentations:
Peter Moon of O2Compost will provide logical, practical and technical information on how to achieve a successful composting operation on your campus. Peter and his staff design highly effective on-campus compost systems for processing food waste, landscape debris and mixed paper products.
Arthur Kney, PhD, Associate Professor and Department Head in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Lafayette College, Easton, PA. will discuss Lafayette’s composting program. Their program includes a student led “Composting Team” and composting has become part of their Environmental Science Curriculum.
Mark Hutcinson, University of Maine located in Orono, ME. will detail about the development of U Maine’s extensive composting operation which utilizes an automated composting unit. The compost produced by this system is being used for landscaping and in campus green houses that grow produce that is being used in dining services completing the sustainability loop.
To Register: Registration for this Webinar can be done by using on-line registration. You will receive an email confirmation of your registration.