Please see the below notice relative to proposed regulation amendments to 310 CMR 19.000, including the proposed commercial organics waste ban. The comment period will run until 5:00 PM on Friday, August 23.
MassDEP, acting in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 30A, will hold public hearings on two sets of regulations: 1) proposed amendments to the waste ban regulations at 310 CMR 19.017 and related provisions in 310 CMR 19.000. The proposed amendments would add “commercial organic material” to the list of materials banned from disposal in 310 CMR 19.017, effective July 1, 2014. As defined, this would include food material and vegetative material from entities (excluding residences) that dispose of one ton or more of that material per week; and 2) proposed amendments to the hazardous waste regulations at 310 CMR 30.708 that would prohibit hazardous waste facilities from being located either within an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), or adjacent to or in close proximity to an ACEC, where such location would fail to protect the outstanding resources of the ACEC.
As provided by state law, M.G.L. 30A, the Department publishes a notice at least 21 days prior to a public hearing on proposed amendments. The hearings will be held in accordance with the procedures of M.G.L. Chapter 30A. The Background Document, Proposed Amendments, and supporting guidance for both proposed regulations are available on the MassDEP website at In addition, these documents can be obtained for review by interested parties at MassDEP, One Winter Street, Boston, as well as in each of the four MassDEP regional service centers. In addition, although MassDEP is not required to seek public comment on guidance and the guidance is not part of the proposed amendments to 310 CMR 19.000, the department is also making the draft waste ban guidance document for solid waste facilities and guidance for waste haulers and generators available for review and comment, along with those proposed amendments, for the information and convenience of the public and regulated entities. MassDEP is issuing this draft revised solid waste facility guidance in redline format to highlight the changes from the existing guidance. The guidance will assist the public and regulated entities in understanding how Mass DEP intends to implement the proposed regulatory amendments. MassDEP will accept informal comments on the draft guidance.
Public hearings on both proposed regulations will be held:
Thursday, August 1, 2013 at 10:00 am
MassDEP Headquarters
One Winter Street, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA
Tuesday, August 6, 2013, at 4:00 pm
MassDEP Southeast Regional Office
20 Riverside Drive
Lakeville, MA
Thursday, August 8, 2013, at 10:00 am
MassDEP Western Regional Office
436 Dwight Street, Room B42
Springfield, MA
Monday, August 12, 2013 at 4:00 pm
MassDEP Central Region Office
627 Main Street
Worcester, MA
Two additional hearings will be held only on the proposed amendments to the hazardous waste regulations at 310 CMR 30.708:
Thursday, August 1, at 10:00 am and at 3:00 pm
Lenox Library Gallery
18 Main Street
Lenox, MA
Comments on the draft regulations and guidance should be sent via email to or in hard copy to John Fischer, MassDEP, One Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108. MassDEP will accept comments until 5:00 PM on Friday, August 23, 2013.
For special accommodations for the hearings, contact Donald M. Gomes, MassDEP ADA Coordinator, at 617-556-1057, TDD Service 1-800-298-2207, One Winter St. Boston, MA 02108. This information is available in alternative format upon request.
By Order of the Department
Kenneth L. Kimmell, Commissioner