Blog Post

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has published the final 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan and announced the following amendments to the waste ban regulations, which will be effective on November 1, 2022:

  • Mattresses will be banned from disposal. 
  • Textiles will be banned from disposal. 
  • The Commercial Organics Disposal Ban will apply to businesses and institutions generating one-half ton or more food material per week (it currently applies to those generating one ton or more food material per week)

For more information, please refer to MassDEP’s page on Waste Disposal Bans.

RecyclingWorks provides free technical assistance to help businesses and institutions reduce waste. Our experts can guide your organization now in implementing or expanding existing programs before these disposal bans go into effect. Contact us to learn more: 888-254-5525 or

Additionally, John Fischer, Branch Chief of Commercial Waste Reduction & Waste Planning at MassDEP, will be presenting information about these waste ban amendments and the 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan at RecyclingWorks’ Fall 2021 WasteWise Forum on November 10. MassDEP’s presentation will be followed by success stories of local businesses and institutions and how they are preparing for the upcoming changes in the waste bans. Register here!