

9:30 am - 11:30 am


UMass Lowell, University Crossing Building, Room 490
1 University Ave, Lowell, MA , 01852

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RecyclingWorks College & University 2016 Fall Forum

RecyclingWorks College & University (C&U) Forums provide an opportunity for facility managers, recycling and sustainability coordinators, dining service operators and others at college campuses to network and discuss topics of interest.

To register please email info@recyclingworksma.com or call 888-254-5525. Please let us know which event you plan to attend, your name, business, title, email, and phone


At the C&U Fall Forum, we will discuss two sets of best management practices that RecyclingWorks is currently developing:

  • Hauler Contracting: to provide guidance on contracting for hauling services for trash, recycling, and organics
  • Construction and Demolition Materials: to increase recycling and reuse of construction and demolition materials.

Please attend RecyclingWorks’ biennial C&U Forum to share your experience with these topics. As members of the C&U sector, you have seen it all! Refreshments will be provided.

Topics for discussion include:

  • Hauler Contracting Best Management Practices
    • How to ensure generators obtain clear information on quantities of trash, recycling, and organics collected and waste ban compliance status.
    • How generators can realize avoided disposal cost savings while ensuring fair compensation for haulers.
    • How building relationships can encourage the understanding of hauling capabilities.
    • How training employees, and knowing where material is going, can reduce contamination issues.
    • How to negotiate contracts, counteroffers, and ask about subcontracting.


  • Construction & Demolition Materials Best Management Practices
    • Reuse: Connecting with salvage outlets to capture reusable materials
    • Source separation: What materials make sense to separate on-site and at what scale of a project?
    • C&D Processing: Best practices for capturing high-value materials at comingled sorting facilities


College & University Fall Forum Agenda

9:30 – 9:35 Welcome

  • Emily Fabel, Center for EcoTechnology and RecyclingWorks in MA

9:35 – 9:40 MassDEP Updates

  •  Sean Sylver, MassDEP

9:40 – 9:55 C&D Recycling at UMass Amherst

  •  John Pepi, General Manager, Office of Waste Management, Moving & Surplus

9:55 – 10:25 C&D Discussion for BMP Development

10:25 – 10:40 Networking Break

10:40 – 11:00 Hauler Contracting

  •  Tyler Arrigo, Sustainability Program Coordinator, UMass Lowell
  •  Krysten Desmond, Institutional Account Manager

11:00 – 11:25 Hauler Contracting Discussion for BMP Development

11:25 – 11:30 Closing Remarks

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